
Friday, December 6, 2013

Candied Orange Peels

Here is a recipe for candied orange peel:

-  3 oranges
-  3/4 cup water (plus additional in the beginning...see first paragraph below)
-  2 1/4 cups granulated sugar
-  Additional 1/4 cup granulated sugar for coating candies

Cut 3 oranges into quarter slices and remove pulp.  Cut each peel into approximately 1/4 inch slices and place into a medium size saucepan. Add cold water, just enough to submerge the orange peels, and bring to a boil.  Pour out water once it comes to a boil, then add cold water again to the saucepan, just enough to submerge peels.  Bring to a boil.  Once brought to a boil for the second time, pour out water (again) and place orange peels in a strainer or separate bowl.

Bring 2 1/4 cups granulated sugar and 3/4 cups water to a simmer over low heat in a medium size saucepan and stir frequently.  Once the mix has come to a simmer, continue cooking for 10 minutes stirring at least once a minute.  Then (after 10 minutes), add in orange peels and let simmer over low heat for approximately 45 minutes without stirring.  Press down on the orange peels making sure that all of them are submerged in the water (I did this a couple of times during the 45 minutes).  Also, you will know when the peels are done because they should soften and be tender when poking them with a fork.  You could also slice thru a peel to check if they are thoroughly cooked.

While orange peels are cooking, place 1/4 cup granulated sugar in a small bowl for coating orange peels when done.  Next, separate the sugar water from the orange peels using a strainer.  Coat each orange peel in the sugar by dipping it in, or take a large spoonful of the orange peels and coat them with sugar. Place onto a wire rack to let cool.  Serve as a snack, store for later, or store for use in another recipe (like I plan to do in a homemade fruit cake).  Enjoy!

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